I admire activists. I admire the ingenuity of their protests. Like this one at Nobby's Beach in Newcastle, NSW, where the 77,000 tonne coal carrier, Pasha Bulker, ran aground earlier this month.

I have a friend who is an activist. She engineered a particlury amusing protest in regard to the conditions of child care workers. It involved psuedo soiled nappies and an MP's electoral office. I bet the MP didn't see that coming.
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Hoi Hoi - I just thought I'd let you know that my activism is continuing on the other side of the planet. How hard core is this - on Friday I'm flying down to London to see the Live Earth concert to highlight climate change. There, I will witness an amazing light and sound show powered by oodles of coal fired energy, during which I shall chow down on some luxury hippy food such as quinoa (major food miles here given it's from South America) because I have VIP tickets. No doubt I shall eat with plastic knives and forks and drink champagne from plastic flutes. To topp this all off, I get to listen to Madonna rant about the climate and kabbahla. Then, I shall fly home, to complete a fully carbonated round trip... ;) Should be a great concert though....
Miss ya Mad!
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